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Hunan acquisition of food and the best quality level in recent years

Source:Global grainRelease time:2015-09-25 09:57:10

Early rice to buy into the finish stage. The reporter learns from the provincial bureau, hunan rice purchase amount more than expected, storage of grain quality significantly improved.

Hunan launched on July 28, the floor price execution plans for early rice. Province bureau predicted that the purchase of the total 2 million tons early this year. As of September 20, the province has acquired a new 2.14 million tons of rice, which support the market to buy 1.301 million tons of storage amount more than expected goal.


Early rice harvest this year, early indica rice market prices are low. Hunan has the floor price plan, for three consecutive years start early indica rice part library point high warehouse storage. In hunan province grain bureau, grain storage in hunan branch, the bank branch three coordinate, various mix, guaranteeing timely begin business more than 300 early rice prop up the market purchase base point, open the acquisition. According to the national minimum price, early indica rice 135 yuan per 50 kg, higher than the market price of 10 yuan, effectively protecting the farmers to plant more.


Early rice prop up the market, hunan enabled all policy grain purchase management system, the machine invoices, e-currency payment and unified purchase vouchers, and strictly incoming food quality management. At present, most of the storage of grain moisture at 13.5%, impurity in 1%, yellow grains within 0.3%, other indicators meet the national standard third class above, and the best quality level in recent years.


Early in the process of acquisition, all levels of the competent administrative department for further collection and storage of grain base point on the line, trying to enlarge capacity; Take buy-outs, wrong peak, booking for a large sell corn "green channel", to ensure that the farmers pay "rest assured food" "satisfied grain" "comfort food".


More grain machinery related information, also please continue to focus on our official website, global food machine net: http://www.worldlj.com




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